
LoKomotive is a liquid potassium acetate formulation which has significant advantages and benefits over other foliar applied potassium sources. LoKomotive has excellent crop safety and has been specifically designed for applications during the season to correct or prevent potassium deficiencies in broadacre and horticultural crops.


  • Analysis - 03:00:27
  • Potassium Acetate
  • Highly compatible with other tank mix partners*



  • Superior foliar uptake and translocation

  • High analysis and fast absorption equals lower use rates

  • Excellent crop safety



Application Rates & Timing: See product label for crop specific rates.

Specific Gravity: ~1.29

Colour: Clear

Compatibility: LoKomotive is highly compatible with a broad range of pesticides and herbicides, however refer to product SDS for more information. Always add nutritionals to the tank last after other tank-mix partners are fully dissolved or suspended in adequate water and under agitation.

Tank Mixing: Follow guidelines on label for tank mixing order.

Storage: Keep sealed in original container. Store in frost-free, dry conditions out of direct sunlight, above 5°C and below 30°C

Contains (w/v)%: Nitrogen 3.00%, Potassium 27.00%


Products should be used in accordance with the product label and directions for use.
For best results, consult with your agronomist on suitability of the product, taking into account your particular circumstances.